Quality control and safety are increasingly key concerns for project managers. Failures or Defects in constructed facilities can result in very large costs. Even with minor defects, re-construction may be necessary and facility operations impaired. Increased costs and delays are the result. Quality control and quality engineering are involved in developing systems to guarantee products or services are designed and produced to meet or exceed customer requirements. In construction activities, these business practices can be equated to the models for quality assurance defined by the International Standards contained in the ISO 9000 series and the specified Specifications for quality systems.
A contractor quality control plan (CQCP) is the documentation of the contractor’s process for delivering the level of construction quality required by the contract. The plans and specifications define the projected results or outcome. The CQCP outlines how those results will be achieved.
Our engineers develop the administrative and procedural requirements for the contractor to provide and maintain an effective Quality Control Program. We outline specific quality-control requirements for individual construction activities. Our quality control program is intended to support our client’s efforts to guarantee that construction activities and processes are planned, controlled, and verified for compliance with the applicable requirements. The program revolves around inspecting requirements during construction, materials testing or fabrication of components. We provide the construction contractor's system to manage, control, and document their own, their supplier's, and their subcontractor's activities to comply with the contract requirements.
Quality Assurance/Quality Control
- Facility Walk downs
- Independent Installation Certification
- Project and Contract Management
- Quality Assurance Program Development
- Vendor Surveillance
Inspection Services
- Compaction Testing
- Concrete and Asphalt Concrete Paving
- Concrete Plant Inspection
- Drainage Systems
- Earthwork, Aggregates & Soils, Excavation Inspection
- Fabricated Machine Parts Measurement Verification
- Nondestructive Examination and Testing
- Structural Steel Structures
- Underground Utilities
Monitoring Services
- Environmental Monitoring
- Settlement Monitoring
- Soil Erosion and Sediment Control