Concrete & Masonry Testing
Rox Engineering performs quality control and quality assurance (acceptance) testing of concrete aggregates. In addition to testing for quality control and quality assurance purposes, Rox Engineering can calculate with use of statistical analysis the pay factors as required by the specifications from results of completed tests. Rox Engineering performs concrete and masonry testing for control and quality purposes to include sampling fresh concrete, slump (workability) test, air content, molding of compressive/flexural test specimens, compressive strength tests of cylinders/cores, flexural strength tests of beams and masonry prisms. Our concrete testing services are helpful in the process evaluation of existing concrete structures and the ability to meet project requirements, codes, and standards.
Rox Engineering provides masonry testing services relating to environmental, mechanical and materials inspections. Our personnel have performed Quality Assurance monitoring on all types of masonry projects, ranging from new construction to rehabilitation work. Reinforcing installation and miscellaneous other hardware items are additional masonry factors commonly specified for projects on which Rox Engineering provides services. Visual inspections, physical testing and sampling, and daily production monitoring are all performed in accordance with ASTM, ACI, CRSI, MIA and other applicable standards.
Concrete Testing - Field Services
- Concrete sampling
- Coring
- Crosshole Sonic Logging
- Floor flatness
- Plant control – verify/adjust batch weights
- Prepare strength specimens
- Rebound hammer
- Sample aggregates
- Test batches
- Test slump and air content
- Ultra Beam
- Windsor probe
Concrete Testing - Laboratory Services
- Aggregates –
- Los Angeles abrasion
- soundness
- freeze-thaw
- gradation
- absorption
- specific gravity
- Compressive strength testing (cylinders, cubes and cores)
- Concrete moisture-curing room
- Flaw detection
- Flexural strength testing of beams
- Masonry – individual blocks and prisms
- Mix designs